What a fun little person this girl is! She is so delightful, we just couldn't love her more. She is now two and a half and has become very independent. It's actually a pretty funny comparison between she and Benson. Benson is almost five but he still wants help with many things. He doesn't get himself dressed or put on his own shoes, and is thrilled when someone is willing to feed him or accompany him to the bathroom.
Lily, on the other hand, is constantly saying, "I do it!" usually with an exclamation point! She wants to dress herself, feed herself, put on her own shoes, and go potty all by herself. It takes us about four times as long as it used to in order to do anything. Leaving the house is a major ordeal when she has to put on her own shoes and coat, plus bring along her backpack of treasures. And, often she feels frustrated when she finds she doesn't have the dexterity to complete the tasks she attempts. However, she just keeps at it until she succeeds. It's a good thing I've slowed down so much this semester in preparation for the baby so that I can give her the time she needs to "Do it herself".
Lily continues to be a huge Mama's girl. I feel badly because I think it hurts BJ's feelings a little. She wants me to do everything with/for her. If I leave the house without her, she cries. At mealtime she wants to sit next to me or on my lap to eat. At bedtime she insists that I put her to bed. Last night she woke up in the middle of the night. BJ went in to help her and I heard her shouting, "No Dad, go 'way, want Mom!" She cried "Mommy" over and over again until I went in. I'm certain she'll grow out of it and probably become at total Daddy's girl but it's going to be a little tricky when the baby comes to have her feeling so Mommy-centric. I guess we'll all have some adjusting to do.
Truly though, Lily has been my little companion and friend. She is charming and outgoing. She loves to dance and sing. She has decided opinions and expresses them now in full sentences and with impressive clarity. I'm so grateful she's a part of our family.