Monday, May 2, 2011

A Favor

BJ was on bedtime duty tonight while I taught a voice lesson. Toward the end of the lesson, McKay came out and informed me that Benson had gotten a "boo-boo". So, post-lesson I went to investigate. When I asked BJ what had happened, he related the following:
BJ: McKay, can you do me a favor?
McKay: A fever?!
BJ: No, a favor.
B: A favor. A favor is when you do something nice for somebody else.
M: A favor?
B: Yeah, could you get me some socks for Benson?
M: Benson has a fever?!
B: No, he doesn't have a fever.
M: (Knowingly) Benson has the Fluke!


Vermont 6 said...

LOVE IT!!! Communication is a good thing - too bad it is often lost on a two year old - he makes me smile!!!

ManiacalPhysicist said...

oh man, those two crack me up :)