Thursday, December 4, 2014

Too much fun!

Lily really loves to dance! She just joined a class called "Two Much Fun", a dance class for two-year-old girls. During each class they dance with different props and dress-ups and end each class with a tea party. It's a little girl's dream! She loves "Dance class day" as she calls it. She also loves that Nana is the one who takes her to class. She can't get enough Nana time. 

She dances all over the house too. Last week McKay came home from school and reported that as part of PE they did the moves to the Cha Cha Slide song. We pulled it up and did the dance together, with Lily and Benson doing their best to keep up. We had done the Cha Cha Slide at a wedding at Grandma Cox's house over the summer and Lily had loved it then too. When the song came on she said, "Cha Cha Now...Grandma's house!" I couldn't believe she remembered it from months ago. Now each day she requests the "Cha Cha Now" song and dances to it, complete with the jumps, spins, and Cha Chas. 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Bensons creation

Bensons preschool teacher sent me this pic yesterday. He did it all by himself and was so proud of himself that she took a picture :).  Look at it sideways... Go Cougars! 

Saturday, November 8, 2014


Little Nee-Nee is going through that funny stage of repeating everything we say. This is always adorable but sometimes gets us into some trouble. Like, for example, the other day when I said casually, "Oh, I left my papers in the other room, dang it." And behind me I heard a high little voice repeat, "Dain it!" 


A few nights ago I was getting Lily ready for bed. We got her all changed into her diaper and footie pjs, then I went to go get her bottle and tooth brush. When I returned she had completely striped and was standing there shivering. She then grabbed her blanket and tried to wrap herself in it but couldn't get the blanket to go around her correctly. She tried a few times unsuccessfully and got mad. She started slamming her blanket on the floor and said, in rhythm to the blanket-slamming: "So, fuss-waited!!" 

I burst out laughing as I realized she was copying all the times I've said to her, "Oh, are you so frustrated?" It's so funny to hear big words coming out of her tiny little mouth. We sure love our little Nee-Nee! 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy Halloween 2014

Whew, our Halloween week was a blur of parties, costumes, and candy! I love Halloween for all of it's spooky fun. To me, it's just a lot of fun but I have to say, it's exhausting too!
McKay as Harry Potter in the school Halloween Parade

Benson's cute Preschool Class puts on a Halloween performance each year. Little Bens is the Batman in the middle. He has been so excited for his performance and has been singing bits of Halloween songs here and there. However, when it came time to start the program he sang one song and then came and sat by Nana and I. When I tried to coax him back up he said he was too embarrassed. He's such a tender little guy, even dressed as Batman.
Little Nee-nee was a kangaroo for Halloween this year. She found her costume about a month early while accompanying me on a trip to TJ Max. She put it on right there in the store and has loved it ever since. Like I said, she's technically a Kangaroo but when asked, she tells everyone she's a puppy. Hehehe so cute!
I somehow ended up as the Room Mom for McKay's 1st Grade class this year, so I was in charge of the Halloween class party. It was a really fun party, despite the chaos of 20 first-graders on sugar highs. We played Halloween Bingo then split up into rotations for other games including Jack-o-lantern toss, Don't Eat Pete, Monster Bowling, and Mystery Feelers. We finished up with monster donuts and witches brew. It was really fun! A big thanks to Nana for being the Associate Room Mom and seriously helping out!
The kids all looked so cute in their costumes. Benson's was really cool but a little bit funny in that his mask was way too big so in order to see out of it he had to tilt his head way back. It was so funny to see him wandering around with his head thrown back. Ahh the comedy of kids and costumes.
And, I just had to include this, "day after" pic of Lily. Crazy hair, still in jammies, and wearing her spider headband. It's only Halloween once a year so we enjoy it :)
Looks like McKay found one of his missing teeth!
Papa and Nana went Trick-or-Treating with us and were great sports to carry and push kids in strollers from house to house. McKay doesn't really like candy very much so after Trick-or-Treating at a few houses he decided to just sit in the stroller. When people would offer him treats he would politely decline. It was so funny!
Another pic of Benson at his program
Two cute boys, ready to head out on the Trick-or-Treating trail
Harry Potter

One more crazy shot of the class party!

Pumpkin carving! 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Robertson Family Reunion 2014

Cox Family Lake Powell Trip

Caribbean Cruise 2014

On our 10th anniversary I was one week away from delivering Lily. We had always wanted to do something fun and memorable for our 10 yr anniversary but since we had to stay in town and close to the hospital (and I was feeling miserable) we elected to celebrate by going to dinner. 

My parents watched the kids and we made our way through town looking for a restaurant that sounded appealing. We drove by all our favorites but everything looked so disgusting to me. Finally I said, “honestly, the only thing that sounds good to me is a Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger”. So our 10th Anniversary celebration consisted of driving though Wendy’s.

BJ promised that sometime when we could get away we would do something really memorable for our 10 year celebration. Two years later, on my birthday, BJ surprised me by booking a 7-day Caribbean cruise!It has been  amazing!

I’m writing this as I sit on the balcony of our room, overlooking the beautiful azure waters of the Caribbean. The breeze is warm and slightly humid and the wake of the boat makes gentle waves on the otherwise calm water. Occasionally a flying fish hovers across the water just below. They look like little hummingbirds. In fact, I spent about half of the day wondering how little birds could be out here so far from land before I heard someone talking about the flying fish. They’re incredible and seem to be quite common here in the middle of the ocean.

We sailed on the Royal Caribbean Navigator of the Seas out of Galveston, TX and stopped at Roatan, Honduras, Belize City, Belize, and Cozumel, Mexico. Our captain is Norwegian and BJ and I laugh to ourselves every time he speaks to the passengers. Twice a day he reports the weather, our location, and a few other incidentals. He tries to joke but his accent is so thick and his inflection so jarring, we always laugh whether or not he’s joking. He always reports the miles we have sailed in nautical miles and standard miles. Standard miles he pronounces as “Staugee miles”. Think German-Japanese accent and you’re about there. Norwegian must be a strange language.

Over these 7 days I’ve forgotten what it feels like to be hungry, except for the day in Belize when we went an entire 5 hrs without eating and I nearly passed out. With so much food around us all the time and of every variety it makes me wonder how I have a difficult time figuring out what to make for dinner every night at home.

The food has been delicious! Prime Rib, Lobster, Steak, and Shrimp are just a few of the dinners we’ve enjoying. We have a table to ourselves so every night is like date night at a fancy restaurant. Being able to look at one another and converse over a gourmet dinner that I neither prepare nor clean up is a luxury. The fact that we don’t have any little people climbing on our laps, eating off our plates, crying about the food, or asking for their food to be cut up and fed to them is icing on the cake.    
I think it’s really the little things that have made this such a great trip. 

Just outside Belize City, Belize at some ancient Mayan ruins. Atop the main temple.

At dinner

Over these 7 days I’ve forgotten what it feels like to be hungry, except for the day in Belize when we went an entire 5 hrs without eating and I nearly passed out. With so much food around us all the time and of every variety it makes me wonder how I have a difficult time figuring out what to make for dinner every night at home.

The food has been delicious! Prime Rib, Lobster, Steak, and Shrimp are just a few of the dinners we’ve enjoying. We have a table to ourselves so every night is like date night at a fancy restaurant. Being able to look at one another and converse over a gourmet dinner that I neither prepare nor clean up is a luxury. The fact that we don’t have any little people climbing on our laps, eating off our plates, crying about the food, or asking for their food to be cut up and fed to them is icing on the cake.    
I think it’s really the little things that have made this such a great trip. 

We enjoyed the ports, especially Cozumel, but it has been the freedom to do whatever we’d like that has been the real vacation. My legs haven’t hurt all week! If they started to bother me, I could lay down and look our over the ocean. We went to the gym nearly everyday and didn’t worry about who would watch the kids. We’ve slept in as late as we’d like with no one to come in at 6:30AM to wake us up. In general, it has been so relaxing and refreshing.

Though I’ve loved all the ease and the comforts this trip has also made me realize what a wonderful life we do have. The constancy of parenting sometimes gets me down and wears me out. Too often I get frustrated and wish I could just relax but, the truth is, the life I have is the greatest! I have missed our kids so much. We have pictures of them on our screens and I just can’t look at them or I start to cry. Being away has reminded me that they are my purpose in life. It is all the care, the exhaustion, the tedium, the frustration but also all the laughter, the sweetness, the interest of being consumed by McKay, Benson, and Lily that give purpose and beauty to my life. As I meet people on the ship I am sadded to learn that so many of them aren’t interested in family. They go from distraction to distraction filling their time with themselves. I don’t understand it and I’m grateful I don’t. It seems a terribly empty life; always chasing after happiness but never finding it. I’m grateful to have had this time away to realize that I wouldn’t give up my life, not for a lifetime of cruises.

I guess we all have our “Dorothy” moments where, after walking the yellow brick road awhile, we realize happiness is in Kasas afterall. She’s right, “There’s no place like home.” I can’t wait to hold my babies again and resolve to approach the days with better perspective. To not let frustration get the better of me. To not rush through the tasks of caring for little ones but enjoy the moments within that care. It’s those moments I’ve missed so much this week.
In front of our ship at our final port, Cozumel