Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Well, I've been sick. Again. I don't know why I seem to catch every bug within a 50 mile radius, but I do. Must be part of my horrible luck (for a documentation of said luck, check out Bonnie's blog www.overlys.blogspot.com, "And the winner is" entry).
I kept hoping the illness would work itself out but after 5 days of languishing in bed, I decided it was time for a trip to the doctor.
So, I had an appointment at the Student Clinic at UK hospital which, I might add, is a teaching hospital. The doctor I saw, a Dr. McLaughlin, was a jovial fellow, impressive considering the lot of infected, pajama-clad, co-eds waiting to be seen by him. Every one of his soon-to-be patients looked as bad a I felt. And that is saying something, considering I felt like I'd been run over by a truck or a train or possibly both.
Dr. McLaughlin did the usual exam, checking my throat, listening to my breathing, and then he got to my ears. "Oh My ...". He exclaimed with vigor, "that looks awful"! "You must be in terrible pain. I sure wish I had a group of med. students to show this ear to." What can I say, I aim to please.
I ended up with a prescription for an ear infection and a sinus infection. I happened to be looking over his shoulder as he typed up my report on which he described my ear as "bulging". While I am a fan of pictures attached to blog posts, this time, I'll refrain.


Bryson Mortensen said...

You totally should've attached a photo! I'm sorry you have an ear infection, they're miserable!!

Sierra said...

I hope you feel better! I will see you tomorrow. :)

Bonnie said...

Owww! I just went to the doctor today myself - strep throat. Bah! At least we live in a day and age of antibiotics, right?

I hope you feel better soon.

Kenz said...

Hey Rae and Beej! I found your blog and wanted to say hi. Mckay is absolutely adorable. You guys look great. Hope you're feeling better. I guess you'll always have compassion for your kids whenever they get ear infections. If they're like mine, that will happen a lot! Merry Christmas!!