Tuesday, June 9, 2009

McKay and ball


Katasha Lyn said...

oh man... he is too cute. He is definitely the son of 2 singers!

Tyler and JoAnna Hamilton said...

What a beautiful singing voice he has!?

Becky said...

Hurray! You posted more videos!!! I finally heard the famous "doo ba doo ba doo", amid all that singing/squealing :) Haha, he sure is a vocal little guy, huh?

Sarah said...

Ha ha ha! What a cute little guy! I see the jumper is a thing of the past.

Joshwa said...

Haha.. it looks like I'm not the first to notice that he's got his dad's tenor voice!

Vickie Kreider said...

So cute! McKay and Maggie sound like cousins for sure. He really had a great time with that big, blue ball! love,v