Thursday, March 8, 2012

Snow Day

We've had a very mild winter this year in Kentucky but, after a few days of 60 degree weather, we got a solid blanketing of snow. Of course we had to go play in it!

The boys in all their gear. McKay chose the hat himself and wears it proudly. Benson's snow pants looked adorable but made him so stiff he kept falling face-first into the snow and couldn't get up.

Benson had never experienced snow before. He couldn't seem to figure out why the snow kept sticking to his gloves. Finally, in frustration, he took the gloves off and wouldn't put them on again.

I took this just before he threw that great big snow ball at me!

Snow Angel

McKay's first snowman.

Sorry Frosty. Better luck next year.
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Vermont 6 said...

Hey - what's the big idea of having fun in the snow as soon as I leave!!! Miss you guys!

Joshwa said...

Holy smokes, they're both a lot bigger than last time I saw them (that isn't a fat joke). McKay's expression next to his snowman says it all - what a piece of cake. I'm looking forward to coming out for BJ's graduation.