Monday, April 16, 2018

To SGCS after the St George Choral Festival 2018

Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for all you invested to perform on Saturday night. As always, there were many sacrifices each member made to stand together on that stage. Members left campgrounds, birthday parties and many other important and worth-while actitivies and people to participate in, as Dr Wiens said on the radio, "high Art". 

I am always humbled, grateful and filled by my association with each of you and the WONDERFUL opportunity we have to regularly sing spectacular, challenging, meaningful, time-tested music under a director of unparalleled caliber. 

Following our performance on Saturday, Dr. Nancy Allred who headed up the choral festival, runs the piano department at DSU and directs the Heritage Choir, said our performance was "outstanding and remarkable". She never uses those words lightly.

In the hallway following our performance I happened to pass one of my voice students who attends Snow Canyon high as her choir was on their way toward the stage. She grabbed me and gave me a big hug. She said, "That was seriously amazing. It was so beautiful! I cried and so did my friend next to me because it was just so beautiful. It was incredible."

I was honestly very surprised at her response to the Britten. I thought it would lose some of our audience. But for those high school students, it spoke. Our performance on Saturday let them hear and experience a piece they would not have heard otherwise. The power of Britten's incredible work as performed by each of you was a penetrating musical experience for some of the youngest members of our audience. 
I am profoundly grateful for each of you. We would not be as strong without each member and all they contribute. Thank you for risking, investing, and sharing in St George Chamber Singers.

With Gratitude,


Hi Rachel,

I didn’t get a chance to tell you after the funeral today how beautiful you sounded during your solo.  Your singing was breathtaking.  My eyes welled again with tears towards the end just like during our practice.  I felt the spirit so strongly.  You have an amazing gift.  I hope you use it often to lift those around you. 

Thank you again for the wonderful opportunity to play for you.  It was an honor!

Ann Marie

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