Saturday, September 20, 2008

White Coats

Yesterday we attended BJ's White Coat Ceremony. This was a formal event in which each of the dental students received their professional white coat as a welcome to the profession.
I have to say, I was so proud. As I sat wrestling McKay, the diaper bag, the camera, and various blankets, burp cloths, and toys, I couldn't help but get a little teary-eyed as BJ was welcomed into the profession he will have for the rest of his life. Here are some pictures from the ceremony.

After the Ceremony.

BJ receiving his white coat.


Christy said...

Yay! Another blog to entertain me!

Vickie said...

Rachel, BJ and McKay,
How wonderful, the white coat is a wonderful tradition which is also part of med school.
Thanks for sharing!
Congrats on the white coat!

Rebecca said...

Hi from the Webb family! Congrats on getting into Dental school! We never ended up going that route, but life is good! We have a blog if you want to visit: