I honestly can't believe how quickly the time has passed during this pregnancy. It is really almost shocking how much my first pregnancy occupied my thoughts and how much my second, well, hasn't. Wow, let's hope that changes before little number two comes along! Not that I'm not excited for this baby too. Honestly I just feel so much more peaceful about the process, having been through it before, that I don't worry about it all the time the way I did with McKay. So, maybe the lack of thought is actually a good thing. Anyway, I digress.
Now, to the point.
Are we having a boy or girl? We find out Wednesday morning and here it is Monday evening, so only a few precious hours to cast your vote! I won't mention which BJ and I are thinking, but I will say we are unanimous in our guess (not like last time). What do you think?
I know which one you think it is, so I don't think it would be fair for me to guess. I am glad the pregnancy is going so well. I have to say it would be fun for Caylor to have (another) little girlfriend!
I could see you having all boys!! (I know, that's quite the prediction...but I just have this great image of BJ organizing gaming sessions with all of his sons :)
I'm voting girl because it would be fun to have one of each - but we would love another little McKay too- he's a joy beyond compare!!!
A Baby!
I think it's a girl.
And that's not just because I have a ridiculous preference for baby girls, which was very much fueled by the birth of my own.
I just think it's a girl. :)
I say girl!! And I hope girl!
I think that is going to be A Little Rachel :)
Pink. Definitely. :)
I say girl because you say girl, and I want a little niece at some point. :)
I am going against the popular opinion and say boy!!
a girl!
Congrats, Rachel! That is so exciting! I can't wait to hear which it turns out to be.
Ummm, it's Thursday and you haven't posted which it is!!! (I vote girl, but you already told me that's what you think, so that doesn't really count). I hope you got to see everything and I hope everything is okay. :)
So tell us already!
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