Thursday, May 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Daniel!

Today is my brother Daniel's birthday! Here are a few of the many reasons I love him:
1. His gentle nature.
2. His honesty.
3. His generosity. When we were kids, we would watch T.V. together and he would always get me a drink and never complained!
4. His intelligence. He is the brilliant scientist he always hoped to be. He's living his dream!
5. His scripture study habits.
6. His witty sense of humor. He lived with BJ and I for 3 years in Provo and by the 3rd year, they would make the same witty comments at the same time. I think they were both sad to lose each other as housemates.
7. His commitment to the Gospel.
8. His forgetful nature. His nickname is "Gaile the Snail".
9. His love of learning.
10. His friendship. He has been one of my best friends for as long as I can remember. I'm so grateful Heavenly Father sent us to the same family to be siblings. I consider it one of my greatest blessings.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Waveland Museum

While hosting Dan, we visited the Waveland Civil War Museum. It is a beautiful Kentucky mansion that has been around since before the Civil War. They offer tours of the building and grounds and boast a lovely park for kids. McKay made good use of the park, swinging to his heart's content.
Uncle Dan did the pushing and McKay did the swinging.
McKay in the itsy bitsy log cabin. So cute!
On a side note, the winters here in KY are cold and rather dreary but the summer is beautiful. The deep green vistas and lovely foliage give me flashbacks of my childhood in Vermont. Several times in the past few weeks I have rounded a corner or opened a window and had a flood of childhood memories come rushing in. I remember following my dad through the yard as he mowed and raked, playing in the woods with my Kreider cousins and driving the winding, tree-covered back roads of Vermont. It has been a wonderful initiation to summer in Kentucky and has given this area a place in my heart.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Visit from Dan

As I have casually mentioned, perhaps a hundred or so times, we love visitors! This past week we had a visit from Uncle Dan! He managed to sneak away from his work at the proton-radiation laboratory in Houston. And, though we don't understand a word about what he actually does there, we were happy to steal him away from his particle accelerator for a few days.
One morning we spent some time at the Keeneland Race Track. It was really neat! Every morning you can go and watch the jockeys and race horses working out. It is a very casual atmosphere--we were the only visitors and were greeted by each jockey as he rode by.
McKay loved watching the horses.

A bit chilly but well worth it!
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Wednesday, May 13, 2009


It seems that ever since we brought a child into our home, we have been perpetually sick. These days we go from one dreaded disease to another! Just a few weeks ago I was on antibiotics for a sinus infection that had lasted a month and now, this morning, I woke up with the tell-tale signs of a cold coming on. Give me a break!
In my attempt to ward off yet another lengthy string of illness that could keep us quarantined for another couple of weeks, I turned to my faithful friend, Zicam. My relationship with Zicam began a few years ago back when the only Zicam option was the melt-in-your-mouth or try-not-to-throw-up-while-you-choke-them-down variety. I endured these until I made a wonderful discovery--Zicam nasal gel! Hooray! No more nasty taste! The gel and I have been faithful friends ever since. However, BJ recently announced to me that Zicam nasal gel has been proven to deaden your sense of smell. Oh Great!
Well, not wanting to lose my trusty sniffer, I thought I'd try the new Zicam chewables. They look harmless enough. Just a little strawberry square, practically a starburst. WRONG! It's agony in chewable form. The strawberry flavor lasts for the first 2.3 chews and then it's like chewing on chalky, bitter, nearly-dry cement. BLAH! The only way to make it through them is distraction. Doing the dishes, counting from 100 backwards, plucking my eyebrows, anything to keep my mind from the taste at hand. As if this isn't bad enough, as a final zinger, they don't allow you to eat or drink anything for 15 minutes. So, the flavor lingers as your stomach turns, trying to figure out what to do with the strawberry-cement you've just launched at it. Right now my stomach is threatening a counter-attack.
You know, a sense of smell really is highly over-rated.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

McKay Organizes His Room

This is for Theresa. Happy Mothers' Day!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dental School Report Card

So, I just got my grade back from one of my pre-clinical classes. The professor took the "Comments" box very seriously and wrote a small essay about each of his students. I got a kick out of what he wrote, hopefully you will too!

"BJ exudes self-confidence. After blowing away my Star-Chamber (an exam we took at the beginning of the year), he took the first practical and got tripped up scoring 79%. Things looked bleak, then something lit that guy's fuse because he simply skyrocketed after that. He proceeded to trounce the other practicals receiving grades in the 90's. He stands above the crowd. He'll do exceptionally well in the clinical sciences in the years to come. Well motivated, conscientious, and a positive attitude. BJ finishes in the top half of his class."
(Thanks Dr. Gore)

PS - I got an A :)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Dancing Man

Here's McKay doing a little jig!