Wednesday, February 9, 2011


So, any of you avid readers (yes, both of you) who are not familiar with the Cox family "Bye-O-Bye" song, you may not appreciate this as much, but here goes... Actually, maybe I'll explain a bit first. So for generations (at least four) Cox fathers have been singing this song to their Cox daughters and sons that has come to be known as the "Bye-O-Bye" Song. If anyone is interested in learning it, all you have to know is the melody to "Red River Valley". The lyrics consist of a never-ending chain of the words "Bye" "O" and "Bye" in the given order, repeated until said daughters and sons fall asleep.

So, now that you are all up to speed on Ancient Cox Folklore...

The other night, Rachel had to teach, so she went in to her school and I met her there to pick up our two very sick little boys (very sad). So, Benson, by some miracle was asleep (ever more difficult when he can't breath through his nose... also very sad). As we were on the road listening to McKay's new favorite kid CD, Benson began to stir. In my mind I was thinking, "Oh great... now he's gonna be cranky for the rest of the 20 minutes until we get home." Fortunately, I was wrong...

Cue McKay. I didn't notice at first, (since I was too busy getting upset at the bad driver in front of me) but I soon heard McKay in the back seat: "Guy oh Guy, Guy oh Guy" sung to some unrecognizable tune. When I realized what he was doing, I would have given anything to have a spare hand to whip out my phone and take a video or audio recording, but alas...

Now, if that wasn't cute enough, after he finished his song, he began to tell the story of Jack and the Beanstalk to keep Benson appeased (much more completely and understandably than I thought he could).

We love our boys.


Vermont 6 said...

Sweet story - I would love to hear McKay's story and song - I remember when I was there, we were driving somewhere and McKay was trying to help Benson to be happy and he was saying things like, it OK Benson, look there is a truck, there is a tree, look that's McDonalds - he is trying to be a good big brother and help Benson out! Way to go McKay!!! Love you guys!

Katasha Lyn said...

sheesh. That's really cute! Such sweet little men you have.

Also... McKay looks EXACTLY like Dallin in that first pic.

Unknown said...

It's so nice to hear stories of McKay being a sweet older was a little touch and go there for a while. ;)