Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's A...


BJ and I were both quite surprised. Honestly, we were so sure it was a girl that I almost made the ultrasound tech check again. Luckily I restrained myself and only uttered a small "hmmm" (I thought "WHAT?!" might be slightly inappropriate).

Anyway, we are having another little boy and are very happy about it. BJ thinks it's great because now we'll have the makings of a barbershop quartet. :) And, as one of my voice students put it, it's great because McKay is a cute boy and the world needs more of them. Thanks Michelle. :)

Everything else, including the feet, looked great on the ultrasound. Our little little man (BJ's nickname for the little little guy) was rolling around and kicking his very straight-looking feet, so hopefully no club foot problems this time. We're very grateful for that!

Here's to little men!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Pink or Blue?

I honestly can't believe how quickly the time has passed during this pregnancy. It is really almost shocking how much my first pregnancy occupied my thoughts and how much my second, well, hasn't. Wow, let's hope that changes before little number two comes along! Not that I'm not excited for this baby too. Honestly I just feel so much more peaceful about the process, having been through it before, that I don't worry about it all the time the way I did with McKay. So, maybe the lack of thought is actually a good thing. Anyway, I digress.

Now, to the point.

Are we having a boy or girl? We find out Wednesday morning and here it is Monday evening, so only a few precious hours to cast your vote! I won't mention which BJ and I are thinking, but I will say we are unanimous in our guess (not like last time). What do you think?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

McKay the Monkey

Happy Halloween! This was McKay's first real Halloween. He was dressed up last year but basically slept through all the festivities, so this year was a lot more fun. He wore a beautiful monkey costume made by Grandma Robertson and he looked adorable!

This was McKay's first Trick-or-Treat house. Our good friends, Trisha and Eric, taught McKay the wonders of taking candy. He was a little scared at first but got pretty excited when he realized they were giving him treats.

Here he is with Dad at the Lassen's. We had a great dinner there just before the Trick-or-Treating. McKay loved his costume and wanted to wear it all day long. He had worn it to our church Halloween party the night before and, as soon as he woke up the next morning, he brought me his costume and followed me around with it until I put it on him. He wanted to sleep in it too but, well, you've got to draw the line somewhere!

And, here he is, post Trick-or Treat. On the way home he kept begging us for bed, saying, "night night" over and over again. Once we got home this over-tired, sugar-loaded monkey had had it. He sure was cute though. :)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Family Pictures and Katasha's coming to town!

So, this past week my sister, Katasha, and her fiance, Tim, came through on their way to Boston, where they both graduated from photography school. While they were here, they were kind enough to take some family pictures of us. We've posted a few of the pictures they took, both here and on the post below this one... amazing.

They will actually be passing through again on their way back to Utah. If anybody in the Lexington area is interested in getting photos taken, they said they would give a special discounted rate while they're in town. Actually, if you're reading this blog and you live someplace between Utah and Kentucky, they may be able to make a stop on their way through. They'll be here on Wednesday (4th) and will probably be around until Friday (6th). If your interested in getting some photos, just send an email to either me or Rachel.

A Little Secret

I have a little secret,
It's not just about me;

It's something very special
For our whole family.

It isn't a new car, a toy, or a cat;

It's something far more special
Than anything like that.

They say I'm a big boy now;
I walk and talk and run.

I like to laugh and joke and play;
I'm always having fun.

But now my fun will be combined
With the joy of something new;

'Cause I'll be a big brother
Before the age of two!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Camp Nelson and Rain Storm

...And Tarfork. We've had a busy few weeks! Since school and teaching began we've been a little bit crazy (more on that later) but we've had some fun amidst the craziness. Over conference weekend we took a trip up to our friends' cabin in Tarfork to watch General Conference. We had a great time hanging out with friends there and McKay had fun playing with Axl and Gabby...and Millie the dog. As you can see, McKay was locating Millie's nose for her. Very helpful.
Working backward, a few weeks ago we had a gigantic rainstorm that flooded our whole yard and street. McKay, BJ, and I were just arriving home from the store when McKay spotted the flooding and started frantically pointing at all the water. We thought, hey, why not? and let him go for it. You're only a kid once, right? Here was the result.
And, a few weeks before that, we attended the Camp Nelson Civil War historical site. We saw men and women dressed in authentic Civil War attire, reenacting the lifestyle and events of the Civil War. It was very interesting!

And, of course, McKay found another dog to play with.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mommy Quotes

There are certain things you never anticipate saying--in your whole life. Things that seem so obvious or so ridiculous that you would never need to say them.

Enter children. All of a sudden you find yourself saying all of those things...and more.

These "Mommy Quotes" seem to be finding their way into my daily vocabulary more and more. Today was a banner Mommy Quote day. Check out today's quotable quotes:

"Sippies don't belong in the dryer."

"You may lay on the floor and scream all you want but please don't hit yourself in the head with measuring cups."

"We don't bite the couch."

"We don't play splish-splash in the toilet."

"We don't bite our friends."

"Tampons are not toys."

I'd love to hear your best Mommy Quotes (especially you, Sam). :)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Hi Ho, Hi Ho,

It's off to work I go! In what can only be described as a providential turn of events, I am now an Assistant Professor of Voice at Transylvania University, a liberal arts university in Lexington.

It really has been an interesting process in all regards. Interesting (and rather amazing) in the way the job literally fell in my lap; interesting (and inspiring) the way the Lord's hand has been in the many details of the process, particularly in finding great childcare for McKay; and interesting (and very exciting) the opportunities this provides me professionally. I had always hoped to one day teach at the university level, but I never anticipated the opportunity would come so soon. I will be directing the university's Women's Choir and teaching voice majors and minors, all of which constitute my "dream job".

Deciding to take the position was not easy. Though it is something I'd always wanted to do, I never anticipated working while my children were little. However, it has worked out about as perfectly as possible. I am able to teach choir and lessons back-to-back, so I am only gone 2 mornings a week. As to childcare, due to a huge change in BJ's class schedule, he gets to stay home with McKay about 3/4 of the time I'm gone! The remainder of the time McKay will be staying with friends in the neighborhood and ward.

Thank you so much to all of my dear friends who are helping care for him in my absence. We have been truly blessed to find many wonderful friends here that, in the absence of family, support and help us like family. I love you and I'm grateful each day for you .

Without sharing all the details, I'll just say that I feel very strongly that I am supposed to be at the university this year. I don't fully understand why but I do know that it is right and that McKay will be alright too. I'm excited for the year ahead and hope you'll all be able to come and hear a concert!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

King of the Crib

McKay is quite attached to his blanky. He sleeps with it and wants it when he is sad or hurt and lately has taken to dragging it behind him, like Linus. This is very cute but poses a real health hazard. While it is dragging behind him, he somehow always manages to walk on top of it and then trip over it. He's hit not a few pieces of furniture doing this. So, to avoid more bruises and the potential for his first trip to the ER, we are teaching him to wear it across his shoulder, like a king. Just call him "King of the Crib".

This picture is the result of mommy leaving Mr. McKay unattended at breakfast for a few short minutes. Our "rule" is that he isn't allowed to put his hands in bowls or yogurt cups. He is very good about this when we're around, however, when left to his own devices, you see the mess that ensues. He was basically covered in yogurt from head to toe but boy did he have a good time!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Splish Splash

Here's a little video of McKay and Caylor playing in the water at the Explorium Children's Museum. Enjoy :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Keys and Pleas

On the top ten list of parental "don'ts":
Don't Give Your Child ANYTHING valuable.

Being a first-time Mom, I still have a lot to learn. So, in an effort to have a moment's peace as I was frantically dashing through the house this morning, trying to prepare for a Primary Presidency meeting, I gave McKay a favorite toy: the keys to the church. These are special keys that seem to open everything in the church, from the outer doors to the R.S. closets (shhh...don't tell).

As I handed him the keys I thought fleetingly, "I really shouldn't let him play with such valuable keys. This could really backfire someday." Little did I know how quickly "someday" would come. Literally two seconds after I had handed him the keys, I turned around and they were gone. Just gone. Absolutely gone. I was shocked, horrified, and M.A.D, not at McKay but at myself for being so stupid. Honestly.

I then proceeded to tear the room apart, knowing that the keys couldn't have gone far. I searched the immediate area where he had been playing, the ground, the bed, the bags nearby, the drawers. Nothing. I moved on to the bathroom and tore through the cupboards, the drawers, the shower, the tub, even the toilet (thank heavens it wasn't in there). Then the closet and on and on, all to no avail.

Finally, in a last ditch effort, I tried asking McKay. I bent down, looked in his little blue eyes and pleaded, "McKay, where are Mama's keys"? To my amazement, his eyes lit up and he toddled off purposefully toward the family room. "Could it possibly be", I wondered as I trailed him down the hall. "Could he actually take me to the lost keys?"

I continued in hot pursuit as he walked down the hall, into the study and to the hutch where we keep the car keys. He pulled open the very drawer where our keys are stored and looked at me, beaming. I laughed out loud and gave him a big hug. Neither BJ nor I have ever shown him where we keep the keys (for obvious reasons) yet there he was, showing Mommy where she keeps the keys! They weren't the right set of keys but they were keys nonetheless. I just laughed. He had done what I asked and found my keys. What more could I ask? So, I went to my presidency meeting Primary key-less yet pleased with my sweet and helpful little boy.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Children's Museum Fun

Today we spent some time at the Children's Museum with Sierra and Caylor. The boys had a great time playing, especially at the water table. They both got so soaked that they left the museum in only their diapers.
Here is McKay sliding down the treehouse slide...
And chewing on a toy boat...
And trying on a hard hat...
The boys had a great time, ran around the museum until they were exhausted, and slept the entire way home. When I took McKay inside, he was still half asleep. He expressed his displeasure at being distured by mumbling rather incoherantly, "no, no, no". It was a great day. :)
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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Walkin' Man

"And the walkin' man walks."
He's been cruising for several months now but has just recently developed the courage to go it alone. Here he is flying solo. He's so proud of himself; it makes me smile every time he walks. It's great to be a mom. :)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Seven Years and Counting

Today BJ and I are celebrating our seven-year anniversary! Yesterday I said, "BJ, I can't believe we've been married for seven years. It seems like it has gone by so quickly!" To which he responded, "I know, it seems like it has flown by, except, I can't really remember life before marriage".

Yep, it's been seven years of brain-washing.

Honestly, I can't believe how quickly it has gone by, until I think of all the fun we've had together, all the challenges we've faced together, and all the ways we've grown together over these years. These seven years have been a wonderful journey and there isn't anyone I'd rather have shared them with.

BJ has been an incredible friend and support. I love him for so many reasons but, as time goes on, I realize that it is his ability to love unconditionally has been one of his greatest gifts to me. He never complains or criticizes or really thinks of himself. Instead he believes in me, loves me, and encourages me--he gives me wings. What a selfless gift!

Just for fun, here are a few of my favorite moments from the past 7 years. Happy Anniversary Honey! (Above: In front of the Pantheon in Rome)

With Mickey on our Mediterranean Disney Cruise with BJ's family.
One of my favorites from our wedding day.
One of my not-so-favorite but definitely memorable moments--holding a python in South Africa.
On the last evening of our Honeymoon in Maui.

South Africa with BYU Singers.
Atop Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa. Yes, those are clouds behind us.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Chewing the...

cud... or the grass anyway. I ran but just didn't make it fast enough (as you can see). Lately McKay has been aquiring a taste for strange snacks like grass, mulch, and toilet paper. Lovely.

Here he is, walking like a big boy. He is so proud of himself. He walks more and more all the time and is really very steady on his feet. I love to walk along with him, holding his little hand.

Today, after playing in the yard for a while, we went to Kassie and Alan's house for dinner. We had a delicious breakfast feast of crepes, raspberry chocolate muffins, quiche, hashbrown pancakes, and smoothies. Mmm it was so good! Really, kudos everyone for making such delicious food! Here we are, post feast, with Brittany, Kassie, Lindsay, Joann, Alan, Devin and McKay.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009


McKay loves to give kisses. However, sometimes he gets a little confused about what exactly he is doing with his mouth and ends up biting instead. We are working with him on this little habit, telling him, "no, no, no" whenever he bites.

Today he climbed up on my lap and was giving me lots of kisses when things got a little out of hand and he bit me. Before I could open my mouth to scold him, he looked at me, started wagging his finger back and forth and said, "no, no, no, no".

I was rather speechless (and trying very very hard not to burst out in fits of laughter). What do you say when your child scolds himself???

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Robertson Family Photos

Robertson Family Photoshoot
And not a day too soon! It has been 12 years since we last had an official family photo session. Since then we've all grown a lot, especially Little Dave, who is now the tallest of us all. Both BJ and McKay have joined our family since last photo and, despite the years, I think our looks have actually improved. So, here we are, in all of our brown and blue glory.
Our talented photographers just happen to be BJ's sister, Katasha and her fiance, Tim. They both graduated from a photography school in Boston and are beginning a photography business in St. George, Utah. They have a great website, and we think they are awesome! After their wedding they'll be traveling the country doing photo shoots and publishing a photography journal of America. You'll have to look them up when they come your way!

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